An Added Incentive for Members of SigEp to Connect - $100, or $1,000 for your chapter
Since releasing our iOS app in March, we’ve been focused on a few core communities – Sigma Phi Epsilon (aka SigEp), which I am a proud member of (WA Beta class of 2002), is one of them. Every two years, Sigma Phi Epsilon hosts the largest national gathering of its members across the nation, the Grand Chapter Conclave. Grand Chapter Conclave was this past week in Nashville, Tennessee. 1,500 undergraduates and alumni from around the country celebrated brotherhood, and delegates considered new legislation and changes to its bylaws that will determine how the Fraternity operates. No doubt, many great connections were made.
Now that the event has come to an end, the next step is to extend and strengthen those connections in person, which is hard to do if you don’t know where everyone in the community lives. That’s where Horizon comes in – allowing members of Sigma Phi Epsilon to easily find each other by location, across chapters and locations, and optionally extend an offer for hospitality to other brothers passing through town.
If you are a current undergraduate, or alumni, of Sigma Phi Epsilon, we ask for your help to organize members of SigEp by location by joining the Sigma Phi Epsilon community on Horizon.
How to Join?
Download the iOS app, or sign into the web version (note the web version is missing a few key pieces of functionality such as the ability to see mutual friends/groups from the profile screen, and filtering the results of people per city by group).
Enter the secret unlock code for Sigma Phi Epsilon. How to get the code? From a SigEp already in the group, or ask us by following @gethorizonapp on Twitter, Tweet this request for an unlock code, and I will direct message you the unlock code. Alternatively, you can send me an email at drew at horizonapp co (include your chapter, graduation year, and link to your LinkedIn profile).
Added Incentive
As an added incentive for the SigEp community to join Horizon by the end of August, I’ll pick one random name from the list of Sigma Phi Epsilon members and send them a check for $100. It gets better. If more than 500 brothers join the SigEp community by the end of this month, I’ll send $100 to 10 brothers. And, if more than 5,000 brothers sign up, I’ll also send $1,000 to the chapter with the most members to disperse as they see fit. So, those who attended Conclave, please do share Horizon with others in your chapter when you get home.
Thank you for your support.
**Note: You do not have to have attended Grand Chapter Conclave to join the SigEp community.
Remember – if you run into any problems installing the app or have other suggested improvements for us, please do send us an email.